About The Book

Outdoor Magic: The power of Nature connection

In Outdoor Magic: The Power of Nature Connection, Grant Linney inspires us to connect deeply with the natural world. Through a wide array of personal stories, both as a nature enthusiast and as an outdoor environmental educator, Linney shows that ongoing experiences in nature not only fill us with insight, knowledge and joy but also bring us closer to our planet and all its natural inhabitants. In doing so, we are more motivated to understand and act upon our multiple and pressing global environmental crises.

Which planet do you live on?


Many children today grow up in an urban setting increasingly caught up in an electronic virtual world. Grant Linney’s journey and essays are powerful reminders that nature is our home, the real world that provides all of our biological and spiritual needs and confers the sheer joy of our existence.

~ David Suzuki, Grandfather

Part memoir, part manual, Grant Linney’s Outdoor Magic: The Power of Nature Connection is infused with heart, gentle humour and, ultimately, optimism for humanity, particularly the young, and for the natural world.  These timely vignettes from a lifetime of leadership and service in outdoor education affirm that the only sensible way forward for humans is to stay connected to the non-human.  Bravo Grant for reminding us how easy and essential that is!

~ James Raffan, Speaker, Writer, Explorer

Outdoor Magic is a collection of engaging stories that remind us of the importance of reconnecting with the natural world. The author’s own experiences in nature provide entertaining anecdotes and inspiring examples of outdoor experiential education in action.

~ Jenna Quinn, Ontario Nature conservation science manager

Outdoor Magic is a doorway into a lifetime of nature wisdom. Grant shares some of his own transformative experiences and then lets us in on innumerable tricks of the trade. From late night meanders to pre-dawn canoeing to forest running, he shows us that it’s still possible to incorporate moments of natural wonder in our own lives and in our students’ lives. Cozy up with this book on a rainy afternoon and plan your next outing with children.
~ David Sobel, Author, Education Professor Emeritus, Antioch University New England
Outdoor Magic is an essential read for all educators, parents, grandparents and nature enthusiasts. Linney provides an inspiring, urgent call to action for us all. We must immerse ourselves and our children in nature so that we can both save it, and ourselves. Through captivating anecdotes of his many outdoor education pursuits, Linney motivates the reader to cultivate the ‘ecosystem thinking and feeling’ in our youth of today; if we connect with nature directly, we can care about and ultimately save our fragile planet.

~ Hilary Coburn, President of the Council of Outdoor Educators of Ontario (COEO)

In a world of ever-increasing environmental problems, we need inspirational stories of how we can forge a real and lasting connection to the very life systems that support us all.  Instead of only focusing on reducing harm, we need to relearn how to love this Earth.

In his book Outdoor Magic, Grant Linney provides us with authentic, humorous and powerful vignettes of his experiences as an outdoor enthusiast and environmental educator. He shows us how loving, teaching and being in nature can help us create, not just a sustainable future, but a regenerative one. 

~ Jacob Rodenburg, Executive Director, Camp Kawartha

A beautifully written and thought-provoking must-read. Grant Linney’s empowering stories are a timely call to action reminding us all that the time to get outdoors and reconnect with the wonders of nature is now. We can do this. We must do this.
~ Amy Schnurr, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Burlington Green Environmental Association
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Here’s hoping that you enjoy the book and that you get back outdoors!

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